There are many different health funds that offer dental cover. Each fund have their own way of determining the benefit they will cover for your dental treatment.
Here are some factors you want to consider when selecting the right dental cover for you;
Per person limits
It is important to know the limits each person can claim for dental treatment each year. If you have a family policy, consider whether the limit is per person or one limit for the whole family.
Percentage versus fixed
Health funds either pay up to a fixed amount towards your dental treatment, or they will pay a fixed percentage of the treatment costs, up to a fixed amount.
Annual limits
Health funds will always specify the maximum benefits they will pay each year, per person or family.
Depending on the type of policy, dental cover will normally be divided into General Dental and Major dental. Your policy will state whether you are covered for either or both, and will also state limits per person specified for each category.
With our ‘No Gaps Guarantee’ we will accept the benefit paid by your health insurer as full payment, provided no limits have been reached, for our preventative and restorative treatments, including examinations, scale & cleaning, fluoride, x-rays, sealants and fillings.