After a tooth extraction, sometimes a dry socket happens when a blood clot either does not form properly, or falls out. The lack of a protective blood clot exposes both the nerves and bone.
Dry socket can be very painful, but it usually heals quickly with treatment. Symptoms of dry socket include:
- throbbing pain that may extend to the jaw, eyes, and ears
- an unpleasant taste in the mouth
- bad breath
- mild fever
People may experience dry sockets for up to a few days after a tooth extraction.
It is best to come to see us to treat the dry socket, but here are a few home remedies you can try to ease the pain:
- Rinsing the mouth with warm salt water can help reduce bacteria and swelling. It can also flush out any food particles from the socket. Keeping this area clean can reduce pain and lower the risk of infection.
A 2016 study showed that applying a honey dressing can reduce pain and inflammation in people with dry sockets. Honey has antibacterial properties and may protect against infection.
- Green and black teas are a traditional home remedy for tooth pain. They have antibacterial properties that can help prevent infection. Green tea also has anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce pain.
If you think you have a dry socket, call or book an appointment online. If possible, it is best to see the same dentist who did the tooth extraction.