The ‘Oral Health Fee for Service Scheme’ (OHFFSS) allows public dental services to be performed by private dental practitioners, such as No Gaps Dental, by using an OHFFSS Voucher.
Only a selected number of our dentists are registered with this scheme, and they do accept OHFFSS Vouchers and bulk bill under this scheme. This means we accept the voucher as full payment for your treatment.
As an OHFSS provider, we must comply with the Terms and Conditions outlined in the Scheme’s Policy Directive.
The vouchers will specify the treatment we are allowed to perform according to the OHFSS terms and conditions. If you require other treatment, you must obtain the consent of the authorising dentist and a new voucher before we can undertake treatment.
To find out which dentists accept OHFSS vouchers, please call the relevant location to speak to our customer service team.